Use Case
Loved, praised, hyped - an art exhibition with AI

Use Case
AI is everywhere in 2024. For the exhibition in the Stadtmuseum Aarau Noxenum GmbH had the honor to contribute to the first AI-supported art exhibition in Switzerland.
With the help of an exceptional team of UX designers, curators, and engineers, an engaging experience was developed within the hero-themed installations, allowing participants to discover their own superpowers through interactive dialogues and various virtual stages.
The solution was built in 3 months and is deployed to the biggest extent in AWS and uses various Cloud Services.
The solution is using state-of-the-art AI capabilities such as Large Language Models and Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech to have a spoken conversation, Stable Diffusion to generate custom pictures based on input pictures.
We also included latest research-driven building blocks that allow the track to communicate in Swiss-German dialects.
Here you can find news articles about this project published by Blick and